Thursday 17 January 2013

Elliotts here!

Craig set off to get Elliott from Phuket on the 15th January, in the afternoon and i stayed on the island.  I booked them into a shack on Nai Yang beach in Phuket, as Craig had caught the last ferry off the island @ 3pm he was booked into the hotel and on the beach by 5.30pm.

After many warnings from Jan and myself Craig did not hide at the airport and was there on time with a sign.
The flight came in @ 10pm and they took themselves straight to a bar on Nai Yang beach, till 4.30am!  After a couple of hours sleep they arrived at the ferry for the 11.30am ferry only to be told that, that was a speedboat and the ferry left @ 12.30am, so they waited.

When they arrived at our shack both looking quite tired, there were no more rooms @ Coconut Corner, so Elliott and Craig planned to spend the night on the balcony in hammocks.

That afternoon we took Elliott to the beach

After ordering pizza to be delivered to our hut (yes, i know), they settled down for a night in the hammocks (I was on the hut in our lovely double bed alone).

The next morning we took Elliott to the outdoor gym in the morning and spent the rest of the day exploring the island.  During our afternoon swim at the beach both myself and Craig got stung by jellyfish, which was deeply umpleasant.  Mine was just around my ankle but Craigs went inside his swimming shorts (mmmm, bet that smarted!)  In the absence of vinegar and noone needing a wee, we were told hot white sand and then lime.  To be honest i had my doubts but it did take some of the sting out of it, i'm still traumatised though!

When we got back to Coconut Corner a shack had become available and Elliott moved straight in.

The plans for the next few days include a possible climbing trip and a definite camping trip (which should be eventful), so watch this space.


Gill said...

Glad Elliott arrived safe and is having a good time. Pics look great!

Anonymous said...

Should have gone for that spray tan beforehand ell lol watch out for those ladyboys
