Thursday 3 January 2013

Koh Phi Phi

On our first day in Koh Phi Phi, we pretty much wandered around the town and then down to the beach, in a bit of a daze i think. The island is amazing, the water is an incredible turquoise blue colour and the bay is very picturesque.

Our second day was New Years Eve and we decided to take an early morning walk to Long beach to try out our snorkeling equipment for the first time. The weather again was not amazing, quite overcast and the sea was quite choppy, but we have both been well trained by Mum to enjoy the beach in this kind of weather so in we went. To be fair the visibility was probably not that great, but i could see fish and the bottom, and that was enough to have me very excited. We saw lots of different types of fish, although my underwater photo-taking and videoing skills definitely need some work. i wanted to put up some video but when i watched it back i was just swinging the camera all over the place everytime i saw a different fish. In the afternoon we walked up to the viewpoint which was 4km uphill, the heat in Thailand is very different to that in India, and it was a real struggle. But as always with these things once at the top is was well worth it.

For the evening the general plan seemed to be buy a bucket of drink (yes, a bucket, like one you use to build sandcastles with), and then wander around the different bars on the beach. It turned out to be a really nice evening, as one bucket lasted us all night and everytime the music got a bit rubbish you could move onto the next bar. There were fireworks going off all over the place, it was pretty chaotic. We left about 4am, once a lot of people started staggering all over the beach and jumping into the sea.

The following day we were pretty tired, so we laid in and then walked around town. We decided the next day to hire a kayak so an early night was in order. Up bright and early the next morning to collect our kayak at 8am, we set off out of the bay. All looked very calm and then as soon as we got around the top of the bay it got very choppy, i was determined that just round the next corner it would calm so we persevered for quite some way. After realising that we were not really making headway, and getting tired (and with the intense lecture my brother gave me before i left fresh in my ears) we turned back. We decided to visit a beach we had seen on the way out of the bay, which had been empty when we passed. Of course by the time we returned it was teeming with people and boats. I believe that we found Monkey beach, we moored ourselves to a rock off the shore, in a split through the rock. One of us had to stay with the boat, so i went down to have a look. The fish were 10 times better than what we had seen the previous day and there were so many of them. They were swimming all around me and there were so many different colours. Unfortunately i forgot to mention that our camera had broken the previous day so we were unable to take photos (I was not happy!). I also sustained my first snorkeling injury on my shin, by being pushed into a rock by the waves, only a little slice, but a reminder to be careful. 

We then pulled into the bay and snorkeled where the tour groups were and again, there were so many fish, the sun came out and the visibility was fantastic. We rowed back out into the middle of the bay and ate our lunch with the longtails and some very nice yachts for neighbours. Needing to feel a little bit of dry land we then went straight across the bay to a deserted beach on the other side, pulled the kayak up on the beach and went off to explore. This turned out to be the beach where all the shells got washed up, so with our shell collector heads on, we set off. It was brilliant we found some really stunning shells (although there was one hairy moment, when i picked up what i presumed was an empty shell. I checked it and then after having it in my hand for a couple of minutes the little sod emerged and pinched my hand) , i will be sending these home to mum with my fingers crossed that they make it. After a very tiring day we headed back to the beach for a mojito (hard life, i know). That evening we watched some amazing fire dancers on the beach. 

The following day (today) it rained so we spent the day researching where to go next and updating the blog.

Koh Phi Phi is a beautiful island with such dramatic scenery (the weather has been a little overcast hence the picture below), but i think most people done come here for that reason, the place is totally catered to tourists and the there are parties every night. For that reason it is very expensive, but i think well worth a look. With Elliott coming out to join us in 10 days, we have saved doing the more touristy things till then.

So next stop we have decided on Koh Yao Noi, after the expense and madness of Koh Phi Phi we need to save some money before Elliott arrives. It is meant to be a lovely quiet island with lots of snorkeling and exploring potential. We catch the ferry tomorrow morning back to Phuket and then straight onto another ferry to Koh Yao Noi.........


Unknown said...

Glad u r both safe!!! Feels like u have been gone a year already! X Amy x

Anonymous said...

Hey hon, happy new year. You both look so relaxed and happy and having lots of fun, apart from the bike accident, bite from mysterious sea life, run in with the waves and sickness lol!! The scenery is beautiful and you have done so much in just over a month, it does feel like you have been gone longer.

Whats that all about with the cab driver(s) - bizarre...

The piccie with you and the bucket is hilarious!

Stay safe, love you loads
alison xx

Nicky said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU BOTH, hope you have a fabulous and healthy 2013. Love Nicky and Philip xx