Monday 13 May 2013

6 months in - 1 day

Well the point of this post was to share with you a song that has been following us around on our trip for the last 6 months. I dont know if it is out in the UK, but in nearly every country we have been to we have heard it being played.

Once you hear a song so many times it starts to take on a certain significance, so this has become the sort of anthem to the trip.

Anyway as I was saying the point was to share the song with you, but I cannot upload audio files to this blog most of my favourite photos from the last 6 months.

Hope you enjoy!



Unknown said...

It won't play? Couldn't get vids from last blog entry to play either? Is it just me?? X
What's the song called? X

Nat&Craig said...

I don't know why, they play here ok. I will check with others. songs called one day, i will check who by x

Unknown said...

Absolutely fab pics soooooo jealous can't believe its been 6 months
love to you both keep safe and enjoy xox

Nat&Craig said...

Hazel, thanks hun, i know 6 months has gone so quick, glad u like the pics. I saw ur holiday pics on fb, looks like u had a lovely time x

Amy, no idea why not working, it seems to be for everyone else. Have u tried on the laptop? x

Unknown said...

No it's bookmarked on my phones home screen so not looked on laptop will try that and let u kno xx hope ur both well xx