Monday 3 June 2013

A little note.....

Hi All,
I wanted to say thank-you so much to all of you for reading the blog so avidly, its really nice to know that you can all see and sometimes hear bits of our adventure.  The blog is a little behind, so we are actually now in Sumatra, the internet here is shocking!  We are leaving the city for the rainforest tomorrow and I am sure that we will have little or no internet there, so we will probably not be able to post for a little while.  But there are some fairly exciting adventures coming up hopefully featuring orang-utans and turtles, so please keep watching this space.

Thanks again. miss you all heaps.
Love Nat & Craig


Unknown said...

Hey Nat 'n' Craig,

I see your in Indo, you should try and head to the Togian Islands, bunaken island ( have the largest diversity of coral's in the world) and gili islands if you have time, they are amazing I was there in January. Happy travels,

Nat&Craig said...

Hi James, yea we are Def heading to the gili isles
On way to bukit lawang and Palau weh in next week or so. Thanks for the tip! Did you go to Komodo or Rinca?

Nat&Craig said...
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Nat&Craig said...
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Unknown said...

Love the blog and miss u loooaaadddsss xx

Nat&Craig said...

Thanks Ame, miss u too lots and lots x x x