Monday 17 December 2012

A little motorbike mishap

On our last day in Hampi we hired another bike and in the morning rode around some more temples. In the afternoon we rode to the river to cool off.  On the way back from the river we were met by another bike coming straight towards us on our side of the road overtaking a tuk tuk.  Craig moved slightly to the left and we hit the gravel.  The bike went left and we went right, with a bit of a thud.  Somehow Craig landed and then i landed on top of him, it took a couple of seconds but we picked our selves up and moved the bike of the road. One Indian couple who i think watched it asked of we were ok and we were.  So we hopped back on the bike and drove the 2km back to the guest house.  When we got back we could see that Craig had 4 or 5 quite big grazes on his leg and palm of his hand.  As we had left our big backpack at a friends house in Arambol we typically did not have our first aid kit, but the very helpful German couple next door had the works.  So pretty soon Craig was cleaned up, Iodine applied and a couple of tape stitch alternatives (applied by me, just call me Florence Nightingale!).  The following day on discovering that if you could not drive or walk in Hampi there was not a lot more to do.  So we decided that was our signal to leave, but Craig could not really walk. 

So instead of a £20 12 hour sleeper bus we took a £55 10 hour taxi.  It was quite something else, way more comfortable than the bus and of course we could stop when we wanted.  It also meant that Craig could stretch his leg out all the way, so happy days.  After getting thoroughly lost we turned up in Arambol at about 11.30pm.  A friend had said we could stay at her house, though she was in Hampi. So we spent a couple of hours before crashing out with some very crazy over the top Russians.

Suffice to say that at 7am the next morning i was walking up the beach looking for our new home....... 

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