Monday 3 December 2012

Nearly there

Reposted from 25th November

I have never written a blog or even a very comprehensive diary, so I am not sure how this is going to go, but I'm going to give it a go.

We have been dreaming of a year off to travel South East Asia for about 5 years, saving for about 2 and a half, and seriously planning for 9 months. And now its a week until we fly. I finished work on Friday which was totally surreal after 5 years, and even though i thought i would be skipping out the door.....I discovered that i would really miss a few people. Not enough to make me doubt going but enough to raise a little lump to my throat.

So today we loaded most of our worldly goods into my brother in laws van and took it to be stored in Suffolk. I also decided to sell my car today. So as of Monday I am going to be effectively unemployed, homeless and carless! Scary but sooooo exciting and liberating at the same time.

It all starts next Friday when we fly to Goa for the first leg of our trip, and yes we are breaking ourselves in gently by going back somewhere that feels a little like a second home.

Overall feeling very excited, nervous, tired, and very excited!

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