Monday 3 December 2012

First couple of days....

We arrived safe and soundly in Goa on Saturday morning at 7am.  The flight was very long, and drawn out, but we did meet a couple from Halesworth on the plane which was mildly entertaining (for about the first 6 hours!)  We headed straight to Ivons Guest House in Arambol from the airport.  We have stayed here each time we have been here before and its always good.  The first couple of days have been spent recovering from the flight, sunbathing, swimming and walking.  In fact walking about 5 miles or so, which has resulted in very sore feet. 

Today i had a hour long back, neck and shoulder massage for £5 and had my roots done with henna for £2, bargain!

Over the next couple of days we plan to rent a bike, do some more exploring and some serious sunbathing.

Just to prove to a few people that i have been up at 7ish each day walking on the beach and swimming, here is a lovely Goa sunrise. 


Nicky said...

...well, so far so wonderful. Cold, frosty with imminent snow here. Not so wonderful. Love Nicky

Nat&Craig said...

Thanks for being the first person to comment on my blog, all very exciting. Sorry to hear about the snow, well a little x x

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